Bahasa Inggris SMA Expression
In your daily life you often have to respond to many kinds of invitations. You may need to accept or decline them. Do you know how to do them very well?
Accept an offer /invitation
That sounds a nice idea.
Declining an offer/invitation
No, thank you.
Giving Instructions
First, prepare the spices, eggs, and cooked rice.
Then, cut some onions into very thin pieces.
After that, add the egg and scramble them together.
Finally, fry them together with the Cooked rice until they are well mixed.
accept invitation
Thank you. I’d like to.
I would, very much.
That would be very nice.
With pleasure.
Decline invitation
Thank you very much, but …
I’m not sure I can.
I’d like to, but …
That’s very kind of you, but …
First, prepare the avocado, some ice cubes, coconut water,
and coconut shavings
(The words in bold are used to show actions.)
Giving Instructions
Then, cut the avocado into small pieces
Put the ice cubes, the coconut water and coconut shavings into the glass
After that, put the avocado that is already cut
Finally, put the condensed milk on the top of the Avocado.
Complete the following dialogues using expressions of accepting/declining an offer/ invitation. Look at the example.
1) Arnys : Would you have a glass of Es Palubutung?
Marcell : (accept) That would be very nice.
2) Adib : Shall we have lunch at Padang Resto?
Anita : (decline) ….
3) Anita : Won’t you have more Satay?
Virga : (decline) ….
4) Andi : Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
Retno : (accept) ….
5) Ayu : Will you have something to drink?
Ruben : (accept) ….
6) Marcell : Would you like to join me for a coffee?
Andi : (decline) ….
Read the following invitation letters. Then, choose the right statements by giving a tick (√). Compare your work with a classmate’s.
a. You are invited to join us for Ruben’s 16th birthday party! Saturday, 2 August 2008 7 p.m. – closing time Ruben’s house, Ahmad Yani street No. 27 Food, drink, games, and entertainment will be provided. Be there to celebrate this momentous occasion! RSVP to Ruben at (024) 424 444
b. Mr. & Mrs. Priyana would like you to come to dinner to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Date: Monday, 4 August 2008 Time: 8 p.m. – 10 p.m. Place : Nusa Wungu Restaurant, Pierre Tendean street No. 5 We are looking forward to meeting you. RSVP to Mr. Priyana at (0274) 749 999 Dress code: Back to 70’s
c. We’re having a barbeque party! Please come and join in on all the fun. Sunday, 3 August 2008, at 3 o ‘clock Diponegoro street No. 18 Mr. Smith and the family RSVP to Mr. Smith at (031) 332 432
The followings are some tips on how to write invitation
• state the occasion, date, time, and place;
• include addresses and a map if necessary;
• include a telephone number for RSVPs;
• if there is a dress code, state the preferred dress in the lower left-hand corner of the card; and
• express that you are looking forward to seeing the person. RSVP is the abbreviation for the French phrase répondez s’il vous plaît, meaning ‘please answer’ letters printed on an invitation asking the person invited to reply.
Tick the correct statements.
1. Ruben is turning 16 on 2 August 2008.
Ruben’s birthday is on 16 August 2008.
Ruben is invited to join a birthday party.
2. Ruben’s birthday party starts at 16 o ‘clock.
Ruben’s birthday party starts at 2 o ‘clock.
Ruben’s birthday party starts at 7 o ‘clock.
3. Mr & Mrs Smith are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary.
Mr Smith is having dinner at Nusa Wungu Restaurant with his family.
Mr Smith is holding a barbeque party.
4. Mr Smith is celebrating his birthday on 2 August 2008.
Mr Smith is having a barbeque party on 3 August 2008.
Mr Smith is invited to a barbeque party 4 August 2008.
5. Mr & Mrs Priyana are celebrating their wedding anniversary at the restaurant.
Mr & Mrs Priyana are holding a barbeque party at Nusa Wungu Restaurant.
Mr & Mrs Priyana are holding a wedding anniversary party at Diponegoro street No. 5.
Complete the following dialogue with the expressions. Then, act the dialogue out.
a. I’m not sure I can.
b. Thank you. I’d like to.
c. Would you come?
d. Would you like to try it?
Andi : Den, do you know klepon?
Denias : No, I don’t. What’s that?
Andi : It’s a kind of dessert made of fours with brown sugar inside. It is sprinkled with shred coconut. The shape of klepon is like a ball. 1) _______________ . My mother made klepon this afternoon.
Denias : 2) ________________.
Andi : Well, I’ll get some for you.
Denias : Okay.
Andi : Here you are. Just try it.
Denias : Hmm …, it’s delicious. Your mum is a good cook.
Andi : Yes, she is. By the way, tomorrow we’re going to have a graduation party for my sister. 3) _________.
Denias : 4) __________________. Tomorrow I’m going to join a karate competition. I don’t know what time it ends.
Andi : That’s okay. Anyway, won’t you have more klepon?
Denias : Yes, thank you.
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